Whitespace Work Software is delighted to announce that we have been selected as a key supplier to Royal Borough of Greenwich following their recent tender process for a caretaking, street cleansing and waste management system.
Following a full commercial review, Whitespace has been awarded a three year contract, starting in April 2018 to deliver waste, street cleansing, commercial and caretaking services. The agreement will help the Council make savings through improved service efficiency, mobile working and new channels for customer reporting.
The Council’s operational vehicles have been mounted with mobile devices, running our in-cab and mobile working solution – Whitespace Mobile. This allows frontline staff to access the latest service information in real time and submit updates about the service from the field.
To support their operations, get better visibility of their crews and to help improve customer service,Royal Borough of Greenwich will implement the following products:
- Whitespace Municipal – to meet the back-office requirements and manage the collections of waste, and street cleansing services.
- Whitespace Environmental – to meet the back-office requirements of Caretaking Services amongst other environmental activities
- Whitespace Commercial – to meet the back-office requirements and provide the capability to manage trade collections contracts
- Whitespace Analytics – provides end-users with comprehensive business intelligence tools
- Whitespace Mobile – to link the in-cab crew to the back office and deliver the in-cab operations
- In-Cab – to support the in-cab operations
We are excited to work on this project and to help the Royal Borough of Greenwich deliver a more efficient and cost-effective service to their residents.