Our Municipal Waste Management Software

Local authorities are required to deliver both efficient and cost-effective waste collection services to their residents. Whitespace Municipal Waste is a complete municipal waste management solution designed specifically to fulfill the requirements of Waste Collection Authorities throughout the UK.

Our municipal waste management software provides a full suite of features for the effective planning and management of your municipal waste collections. It can be used for anything from simple one-off tasks to demanding workflow processes and integrations.

By having information easily accessible, our customers benefit from a significant reduction in administrative effort, reduced amount of paperwork and greatly improved customer service. The industry standard CRM systems have been integrated with Whitespace Municipal Waste allowing your customer service staff to access all information within their main system.

Our municipal waste management software delivers full auditable functions to enable in-depth reporting on your waste targets effortlessly. It integrates directly with your Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) and automatically loads the latest information for your services.

Municipal Waste Management Features

Round Sheets

These are automatically generated and sent directly to your crew’s in-cab device for easy route planning.

Ad-Hoc Requests

Simplify ad hoc request handling and notify waste teams instantly whilst they are out in the field.

Record Exceptions

Record useful waste data such as missed collections and contaminations, allowing you to identify areas of improvement for your waste collection services.


Display important information on the in-cab device such as school, assisted collections, one-way roads and access restrictions.

Real-time Communication

Share information instantly between office staff and waste collection crew.


Our municipal waste management software effortlessly links to your existing council software i.e Customer Relationship Management System (CRM).

90% of customer enquiries are dealt with at first contact...

…through the customer service centre due to the tight integration to the Councils CRM. The call centre staff have real time access to information such as next collection days and if any exceptions have prevented the bins being collected.

Benefits of Municipal Waste Management Software

  • Significant reduction in administrative effort.
  • Reduced amount of paperwork.
  • Improved customer service.
  • Reduction in fuel costs.
  • Automated admin tasks.
  • Collates accurate information.
  • Detailed analysis and reporting.

Supporting Modules

Whitespace In-cab

Connects your waste collection crews in real-time with your back-office teams.

Using the in-cab device, field teams can update the status of their jobs, and send any feedback and images.

Once a job is completed, the in-cab device will automatically update the back-office system instantly.

Whitespace Analytics

Accurately analyses your collections.

Field teams can record valuable information for their municipalities like waste contamination, missed bins and timescales for teams to complete their rounds.

This information is presented through visual aids like graphs and heat maps, helping you make strategic decisions to improve your services’ efficiency.


Public sector customers can purchase Whitespace Municipal Waste Management Software through the following frameworks:

Digital Marketplace


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Crown Commercial Services

Data and Application Solution

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Book a demo with one of our waste management experts to see how Whitespace Work Software can transform your waste management operations.

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