We are delighted to announce that West Devon Borough Council has chosen Whitespace Work Software to deliver an in-cab telematics system.
The solution helps them rationalise the service by using a single system to manage the shared waste service across South Hams District Council and West Devon Borough Council.
The implementation will consist of the following Whitespace products:
- PowerSuite Waste Collection to meet the back-office requirements and management of contracts servicing both domestic and trade collections
- PowerSuite Dashboard to provide end-users with easy to use business intelligence tools and management reporting capability
- AllOnMobile to link the in-cab crew to the back office and deliver the in-cab operations
- TomTom WEBFLEET to provide back office staff and contact centre staff real-time access to fleet positioning and help reduce fuel consumption whilst improving driving habits
We are delighted to be working with West Devon Borough Council on this exciting project.