We are pleased to announce Whitespace will be providing IT software to Wigan Council to manage their household and recycling collection services.
Wigan Council released the following statement on their website:
New technology set to transform how residents report and receive information on bin collections
Residents will soon be able to receive up to date status information on their waste collections thanks to investment in innovative software.
Waste teams are currently implementing the new state of the art in-cab technology that connects with Wigan Council’s systems to allow residents to report problems and receive updates in real time.
The investment in the new system will allow residents to retrieve the latest information in relation to their Waste collection and raise a report if their bin has been missed as soon as their street has been completed, rather than waiting until 8pm.
The new system will provide residents with information on any non-completion issues that crews may have reported. If there are no logs against the property and the street is completed this will allow the resident to report a missed bin. Anyone accessing the information will instantly receive live information which will let them know whether they simply need to wait for crews to arrive.
Councillor Paul Prescott, Wigan Council’s cabinet member for environment, said: “Crews throughout the last year have been going above and beyond during a pandemic to ensure collections are completed and I can’t thank them enough for their efforts.
“This investment by the council will support all their hard work by improving communications between us and residents so they can find out instantaneously the status of their collection.
“We have always ensured we are a forward-thinking council and continue to look at new innovative ways to improve our services. This technology keeps us ahead of the curve and builds on Deal 2030 principles of being digital first.”
The in-cab technology will allow for improved monitoring and better data collection from crews in terms of reporting instances of bin contamination and gives the ability to take pictures of the waste that can be uploaded onto the system.
It will mean the reporting missed bin system becomes far more streamlined with the current 10-step process soon to be become just a four-step process. It’s anticipated that the online reporting system should be in place by the end of April.