We are pleased announce Whitespace are helping Biffa deliver waste and recycling collection services to the residents of Anglesey.
The client
Anglesey is an island off the north-west coast of Wales and home to around 70,000 people.
The vision
A detailed multi-stage tender process was set up in which every bidder was evaluated by a procurement board to ensure the chosen contractor was able to provide high-quality services at an affordable rate.
The solution
Since 2007, Biffa has been delivering waste and recycling services to the local residents in Anglesey. The success of this partnership has resulted in Anglesey becoming one of the best recycling counties in the UK, and the level of cleanliness in its streets and beaches has transformed it to be one of the best in Wales in recent years.
The new eight year long contract was awarded to Biffa and due to beginning on 1 April 2021.
Whitespace’s waste management solution will be installed on Biffa’s waste collection in-cab devices and integrated into the councils’ CRM systems, allowing information to flow in real-time between the teams and residents.
In order to achieve the above, Biffa will be using the below Whitespace solutions:
- Whitespace Municipal– to meet the back office requirements for effectively managing a modern household waste and recycling collection and street cleansing service
- Whitespace Mobile – to link the crews to the back office and deliver the in-cab operations and vehicle checks
- Whitespace Analytics – to provide end-users with easy to use business intelligence tools and management reporting capabilities